Black Arowana for Sale


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Black Arowana for Sale: A Stunning Predator for Your Aquarium

The Black Arowana for sale, also known as Osteoglossum ferreirai, is a magnificent and unique addition to any aquarium. This sleek, ray-finned species boasts a shimmering, silvery body with dark bluish-black fins accented by edges of white, pale pink, or orange. Equipped with large eyes for precise hunting and an oblique mouth lined with small teeth, this “living fossil” has retained its predatory prowess for over 150 million years. Adding a Black Arowana to your aquarium is not only visually captivating but also a testament to the resilience of evolution.

Habitat and Behavior

Black Arowanas are native to the Amazon drainage basin, including the Rio Negro, thriving in calm, acidic waters abundant in vegetation. Unlike their close relative, the Silver Arowana, Black Arowanas are slimmer and less prone to “drop-eye,” making them highly sought-after by aquarists. These predators can reach up to 40 inches in length in the wild, although in captivity, they typically grow to around 30 inches. They are peaceful but territorial, showing aggression only toward their own species.

Aquarium Care for Black Arowana

To house a Black Arowana, you’ll need a large tank of at least 240 gallons with a minimum width of 30 inches. Smaller specimens can begin in smaller tanks but will quickly require a larger space. Add a sand or gravel substrate, store-bought driftwood, and lush vegetation to mimic their natural environment. Since these fish are excellent jumpers, ensure your aquarium lid is securely fixed, as they can leap up to six feet.

Feeding and Tank Mates

As strict carnivores, Black Arowanas thrive on a diet of specialized arowana pellets, fresh or frozen meaty foods, and live prey like minnows or ghost shrimp. Feed juveniles two to three times daily and adults once daily, offering only what they can consume in three to five minutes. Pair them with other large fish like lima shovelnose catfish or oscars, ensuring the tank is spacious enough for all inhabitants.

Why Buy Black Arowana Fish from Aqua Wilds?

At Aqua Wilds, we offer healthy Black Arowanas for sale sourced ethically to guarantee the best quality. Our fish are raised in optimal conditions, ensuring their health and vibrancy. We provide safe and swift delivery, and our knowledgeable team is available to assist with all your needs. When you buy from Aqua Wilds, you’re investing in unmatched quality and customer satisfaction.


4-6 inches, 8-10 inches


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